Seamstress and Cutter, Pattener Positions
Are you interested in sewing? or sonctractor seamstress? We are hiring seamstresses and cutter, and patterner positions both in-house worker and contract worker. Some experience neccesary but we can train begginers so if you are interested, please apply.
Avaialble Positions
Whether you are experieced or begginer seamstress, we are hiing seamstress to support our Hawaiian taditionl designs. If you have an industrial sewing machine at home, we hire contrat seamstress as well. Our enviroment is friendly and flexible in woking.
Pattern Designer
Clothing pattern maker.
You are interested in cothing indutry but do not knw how to se? Cutter is the position that you lay out the ptern on the fabric and cut the fabrics. This position d nt require sewing skills but need to understand basic garment construction and how to use the cutting tools.